Monday, December 10, 2012

Activists to CIA: Stop Your Drone Kilings!

On Saturday, December 8, 2013, many people from the DC area gathered outside the CIA headquarters in Northern Virginia to demand an end to immoral U.S. program of murder-by-drone in Pakistan and other countries.

People representing the following groups, together with others, expressed their opposition to the US drone program:

Stop Killer Drones!
Code Pink and the drone replica from Know Drones

Workers arriving at CIA HQ encounter protesters

STOP! drone bombings in Pakistan

Pax Christi: War is the not the answer!

Drone Strikes: Illegal Immoral Counter-Productive

At the corner of CIA and Extrajudicial Execution

See the full portfolio of excellent photos of the December 8, 2013, drone protest outside CIA headquarters.

Join this historic resistance to U.S. program 
of murder-by-drone when the protests continue
on January 12, 2013, at 10 a.m. at CIA headquarters.

1 comment:

  1. So grateful to see my friend, Judith Kelley from Pax Christi wearing the blue scarf she got from nonviolent peacemakers in Afghanistan last year. Thanks to all of you for this witness.
